Scholarships are awarded on an annual basis and are normally disbursed at the beginning of the Fall semester. Since the inception of the program, the Association has helped over 250 students. Around twenty five awards are granted each academic years. The awards usually pay the full tuition fees. Most of the Scholarships go to students attending Bethlehem University primarily to encourage young people to stay in their hometown.
2018 - 2019
Saleem Yacoub Alhihi
Bethlehem Academy of Music - Oud
Supported by Dr. Ahmad and Mrs. Dulce Issa
Majd Anwar Abdo
Bethlehem Academy of Music - Piano
Supported by Dr. Ahmad and Mrs. Dulce Issa
Martin Johnny Fakouseh
Bethlehem Academy of Music - Tableh & Percussion
Supported by Dr. Ahmad and Mrs. Dulce Issa
Jiries Saba Thalgieh
Bethlehem Academy of Music Kanouns
Supported by Dr. Ahmad and Mrs. Dulce Issa
Manar Azzeh
Birzeit University Music & Fine Arts
Supported by Dr. Ahmad and Mrs. Dulce Issa
Nadia AbuGosh
Birzeit University Music & Fine Arts
Supported by Dr. Ahmad and Mrs. Dulce Issa
Fuad Salah Abdallah Alymani
Birzeit University Music & Fine Arts
Supported by Dr. Ahmad and Mrs. Dulce Issa
Lana Adnan Zidan
Birzeit University Music & Fine Arts
Supported by Dr. Ahmad and Mrs. Dulce Issa
2017 - 2018
Christine Karam Hazboun
Bethlehem University BusAdm
Anton Issa Hazboun Scholarship
Jiana Edward Atick
Bethlehem University Nursing
Anton Issa Hazboun Scholarship
Samah Bassam Rishmawi
Bethlehem University Nursing
Anton Issa Hazboun Scholarship
Helen Robert Hazboun
Bethlehem University Nursing
Saleh Said Hazboun Scholarship
Celina Issa Ballout
Bethlehem University Education
Saleh Said Hazboun Scholarship
Mary Saba Saeed
Bethlehem University Actg
Saleh Said Hazboun Scholarship
Mariana Elias Salman
Bethlehem University Nursing
Hazboun George Hazboun Scholarship
Jane Deeb Maliha
Bethlehem University English
William & Nawal Shahin Scholarship
Dina Ibrahim Awwad
Bethlehem University Actg
Shafiq & Lily Handal Scholarship
Deema Bassam Bandak
Bethlehem University Nursing
Shafiq & Lily Handal Scholarship
Safa Khaled Nuaimi
Bethlehem University Nursing
William & Blanca Hubbell Scholarship
Adriana Anwar Jacaman
Bethlehem University Nursing
William & Blanca Hubbell Scholarship
Nicole Adel Kharoufeh
Bethlehem University Accounting
Bishara & Elena Kawas Scholarship
Rosane Jack Bassil
Bethlehem University Education
Bishara & Elena Kawas Scholarship
Pauline Anton Nassar
Bethlehem University Education
Nadya Hazineh Scholarship
Ghaida Issam Qumsieh
Bethlehem University Education
Bishara & Marie Marcos Scholarship
Oriana Anton Morcos
Bethlehem University Actg
Bishara & Marie Marcos Scholarship
Safa' Marwan Issa Khair
Bethlehem University Nursing
Bethlehem Association Scholarship
Meraav Sami Musleh
Bethlehem University English
Bethlehem Association Scholarship
Dareen Nasri Kumsieh
Bethlehem University Nursing
Bethlehem Association Scholarship